Google, the giant of Mountain View, after presenting its new platform at the Game Developers Conference, unveils the background of a project destined to revolutionize the concept of videogames

Big G has finally unveiled its plans to enter the video game industry with arrogance and law.

Presented Stadia, the new and revolutionary streaming platform that will guarantee instant access to a vast offer of titles from any device connected to the Internet, be it TV, laptop, desktop, tablet or mobile phone.

The stated goal – as reported to – by the Mountain View giant is to make games available up to a maximum resolution of 4K at 60fps, with native support for HDR and surround sound.

The new platform – as stated by the developers at the San Francisco presentation ceremony – will not need consoles or hardware to function. In fact, the system will allow data to be managed and processed directly at the company’s data center, a factor that will allow Stadia not to use the computational power of users’ PCs
A detail, the latter, necessary to support a wide range of games and break down all game development frontiers.

The management of the new platform will be organized by Stadia Games and Entertainment, a new foundation that Google has directly prepared and entrusted to Jade Raymond, author of video games of Canadian origin and former vice president of the giant itself.

A new and exciting job for Raymond interviewing, announces the launch of the start-up by the end of this year in a handful of countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and most of Europe. However, the network requirements and the costs necessary for the proper functioning of the service were not disclosed.

To play just connect any type of controller with USB output, but the official controller designed by Google has also been presented.
As for the functions, Stadia will be connected with the Google Assistant, to allow all its users to ask for advice in real time and with YouTube to distribute and create video content.

In the aftermath of the official presentation, Stadia represents only a theoretical concept full of ambitions and frontiers to be overcome that will soon have to be examined by the most important critics: the users! Their task is to open the doors to the new era of video games.
Certainly, Stadia could represent a severe blow to consoles and PCs, which would no longer have reason to enter the houses of the players. A fact that makes the nights of companies like Microsoft and Sony with their respective Xbox One and PlayStation sleepless.

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