ESL and Intel have announced that the Intel Extreme Masters (IEM) 2019 will take place in Chicago from 20 to 21 July
The highly anticipated two-day tournament which will host eight CS: GO teams from North America and Europe will take place at the United Center in Chicago and will be fought for a $ 250,000 USD prize pool.
IEM Chicago 2019 will also be part of Intel Grand Slam, which will award a $ 1 million bonus prize for the first team to win four of the last ten CS: GO events organized by ESL and DreamHack.
Intel Extreme Masters (IEM) will take place in Chicago for the second consecutive year, as announced by ESL and Intel on Friday.
The 76th IEM global tournament scheduled from 20 to 21 July will host the semi-finals and the great finals. Tickets will go on sale from May 3rd.
In August 2018, ESL and Intel announced that IEM Oakland would be transferred to Chicago through a partnership with Wintrust Arena and the United Center. Wintrust Arena hosted the inaugural IEM Chicago in 2018 and the next two events will be held in the United Center, home of the Chicago Bulls and the Chicago Blackhawks.
This year’s event will also include sponsors such as Intel Showcase and ESL shop. Other partnerships will be formalized later during these months of preparation for the event.

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